
Metter Downtown Development Authority

The Metter Downtown Development Authority offers a variety of incentives to attract and retain businesses in the community.  Incentives include low interest loans, tax credits, through our state partners.

GA Cities Foundation Revolving Loan Fund

Applications are evaluated based on leadership, accountability, long-term sustainability, and potential for private investment. Projects should encourage spin-off development, add jobs, promote downtown housing, or add to the cultural enrichment of the community. Each application must also undergo credit underwriting.

Eligible Projects include real estate acquisition, building rehabilitation, new construction, green space and parks. Ineligible uses of funds are operating expenses and administration, local revolving loan funds, public infrastructure projects, streetscapes, and facade projects.

DCA Downtown Development Revolving Loan Fund

The purpose of the Downtown Development Revolving Loan Fund (DD RLF) is to assist cities, counties and development authorities in their efforts to revitalize and enhance downtown areas by providing below-market rate financing to fund capital projects in core historic downtown areas and adjacent historic neighborhoods where DD RLF will spur commercial redevelopment.

Applicants must demonstrate that they have a viable downtown development project and clearly identify the proposed uses of the loan proceeds. Once approved, funds may be used for such activities as: real estate acquisition, development, redevelopment, and new construction; rehabilitation of public and private infrastructure and facilities; purchase of equipment and other assets (on a limited basis).
The maximum loan is $250,000 per project. Applications will be accepted throughout the year and as loan funds are available to the Department.

Heidi Jeffers

Director of Economic Development

Email Heidi Jeffers
